Thursday, April 14, 2011

Embarking May 11th, 2011


I created this blog to keep you all informed on my adventures while I am in India. I will be leaving May 11th and returning July 13th. A full two months! While in India, I will be based in Bangalore at St. John's Medical College in the Department of Community Health. I will be completing my International Field Experience, which is an 8-week requirement of my MPH program before graduation. While at St. John's, I will be collecting and analyzing data related to (hopefully) chronic diseases, utilizing my epidemiology and biostatistics skills.

This experience is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I intend to learn as much as possible while I'm there. I want to take in all the culture, people, surroundings, noise, and of course, the food! India, for some reason I cannot put my finger on, has always intrigued me. The country and people are absolutely fascinating, and I'm sure they will be even more fascinating once I arrive.

I will keep you all posted through this blog- including pictures and descriptions of my experiences whenever possible. And, those of you that are lucky enough may get my cell phone number once I arrive. Check back often for updates!